how to wrap a gift - eco friendly diy hacks

Almost every other day on our calendars is marked with some occasion or the other. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, Christmas, or promotion parties, our schedules seem to be packed throughout the year. All these occasions are fun to attend too. It’s a chance to meet new people, reconnect with old folks, and also have your share of enjoyment in the celebrations.

However, there’s one thing that remains constant in all of these occasions; you need to think of some gifting ideas to win the heart of the host. While there’s no competition between attendees as to the kind of gifts each of you give, you certainly want to give something useful and delightful at the same time.

Whether you are looking for gift wrapping ideas for birthdays, anniversaries, promotion parties, Christmas, or any other festivities, you can use these techniques without worrying a pinch. So, without much ado, here are some wrapping hacks to get you ready for the festive season!

Gift wrapping hacks you should know:

1. Make eco friendly wrapper from home

You can make your own DIY wrapping paper from just about anything you can find at home:

Toilet Rolls

Reusable Fabric Wrapper

Old Checkered Shirt Wrapper

Old shirt sleeve

Old Laces or Dolly


Old Maps

2. Use DIY Resources from the Internet

If you REALLY don’t have anything aesthetic enough at home, you can also easily download a printable wrapping paper. Here are more wrapping papers printable you can download for FREE.

word search wrapping paper editable PDF
Free editable word search wrapping paper from Howcrafts

3. Wrap odd shaped present with ease

Got a round, triangle or just odd shaped present? No worries. Here’s a great gift wrapping tutorial for just that:

4. Make your own gift bag

How about odd balls like a baseball or, a cute teddy bear? Just fold your own paper bag!

Here are a few gift bags templates you can download from our website for free.

5. Make an envelope for any gift

You can also easily make a beautiful envelope for your gifts.

6. Top off with unique gift wrapping ribbon techniques

If you are bored with the old-school ribbon method of wrapping gifts, here is a range of unique gift wrapping ribbon techniques that also allows you to be environmental friendly.

Make ribbons out of old buttons is a creative ribbon technique
Ribbon from leftover wrappers is a good way to save the earth!
Ribbon from wrapping paper. Source
Or simply draw a ribon with hand. Source

Instead of a ribbon or tape, you can use a fancy jute string to tie it up. This lends a better appeal compared to synthetic or cloth ribbons and also look very unique.

Who said ribbons are only made of ribbons?

Or you can recycle some old scrap cloth as ribbons

Finally, personalize your gift with a message

Once you are done with the wrapping, it’s time for some embellishments. Depending on the occasion for which you are preparing the gift, you can add some fun stickers or cards. For example, if you are gifting somebody for attaining adulthood, the funny adulting stickers from HowCrafts would be a great option.

You can also consider our Thank You stickers or Thank You cards to stick to the gift wrap. These would be excellent additions that would enhance the emotional quotient of your gift wrapping.

Or, sign off with a blessing.

Sign off your present with a piece of blessing. Download this Christian Sticker here.
Or bless with a piece of these bible verse stickers from Amazon

Gift wrapping DIY supplies that you will need

When you are wondering about how to wrap a gift, then the above three steps should make it quite easy for you. However, a gift wrapping DIY project cannot be accomplished without having the proper supplies in place. You can implement the above gift wrapping hacks by having the following items with you:

  1. A sharp pair of scissors for cutting the wrapping paper and strings.
  2. A gift-wrapping station to keep all your essential supplies organized.
  3. Rolls of textured, crisp wrapping papers (colors of your choice).
  4. Stickers and labels that denote different occasions for gifting.

Ooops… what if I made a wrapping mistake?

From the above gift wrapping tutorial, you may have got a grasp over different gift wrapping hacks. It must have answered all your queries as to how to wrap a gift for an occasion. However, you may land up committing a few bloopers. But not to worry, here are a few gift wrapping hacks that can salvage your gifts.

1. Oops, I do not have enough gift wrapping paper!

If you find yourself without sufficient wrapping paper, here’s a hack to overcome that.

2. Oopps, I don’t have tape!

Gift wrapping without tape can actually add to the aesthetics of your gift and also gives a pleasant unwrapping experience to the person who you are gifting.

The Origami style is perhaps the best-known way of doing so. Check out this comprehensive tutorial:

3. Oops, I have a HUGE oversized gift to wrap!

Not quite a blooper, but what if you have a HUGE gift to wrap but you don’t have enough wrapping paper?

You can get an oversized gift wrapper from Amazon. Or jumbo sized gift wrapping paper.

jumbo sized giftbag
Source: Amazon

If you doesn’t have time to get one, consider getting a large disposable table cloth from your nearest supermart:

Source: Pinterest

A gift wrapping DIY project isn’t a difficult affair if you know the proper gift wrapping hacks. Follow this gift wrapping tutorial to know how to wrap a gift and make it stand out.

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